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Electrical Safety Tips For Your Home


Electrical Safety In Your Indianola Home

Integra Electrical

Even if your lights aren’t flickering, you could still have problems with the electrical flow throughout your home that haven’t shown up yet. Following these tips will help you get ahead of problems before they occur. Knowledge is power, and a solid understanding of your electrical systems and where potential problems may occur can help keep you and your family safe. The good news is that you don’t need an electrical license or a Master’s degree to follow these tips–and while you may have heard a few of these before, you’ll almost certainly find a new idea that can help you save money and stay safe. 

Indoor Electrical Safety Tips

  • Unplug Battery Chargers. Did you know that your battery chargers continue to pull a trickle of electricity through the wires even if you’re not actively charging your electronics? Unplugging them from the wall completely offers one less opportunity for a fire to start–plus saves money on your next energy bill!
  • Keep Electrical Fixtures Clear. Ensure that your electrical outlets are clear of furniture or clothing that could potentially cause a spark or burn if they got hot enough. 
  • Right-Size Your Bulbs. Lighting fixtures are rated for specific bulb wattages, and exceeding that wattage requirement can cause an overload on your wiring, just as an underpowered bulb can cause stress to the system. 
  • Replace Damaged Cords. Probably everyone has considered putting duct tape or electrical tape on a fraying cord at some point–but resist that idea! Damaged cords are prone to cause shock, short circuits, or even fire.
  • Use a GCFI. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (or GCFIs) are commonly used in outlets, and can immediately shut off the electric power to reduce the risk of electric shock or fires. They’re intended to trigger when current is flowing through a person or through the water.
  • Test Smoke and Carbon Dioxide Detectors. An easy way to remember when you need to test your carbon dioxide and smoke detectors is that they should be tested and batteries replaced with each change of the seasons. 

Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips

  • Cut Back Debris. Outdoor electrical outlets are very handy, but they can also be prone to a lot of different problems such as shrubbery that grows too close to the wall or other debris. 
  • Review Your Tools. Outdoor power tools such as leaf blowers or trimmers have cords that are more likely to fray due to rough usage. Check them often and replace the cords as needed.
  • Upgrade Circuit Panels. When in doubt, call a licensed, professional electrician to upgrade or review your circuit panels. 
  • Know Your Space. When you’re working outside on a ladder, be cautious of the placement of electrical lines and wiring so you don’t accidentally yank something loose. 

These simple tips can help your family stay safe this fall and all year ’round! Electricity is a wonderful modern convenience, but taking the time to perform simple reviews of your wiring and electrical systems can help reduce the number of accidents that occur each year. Call Integra Electrical today to schedule your electrical repair if you need it!